
In the second of a two-part post, the Rev. Greg Syler poses a problem to be solved – that The Episcopal Church has too many buildings. Read on to learn more.
Congregations who can explore a new vision for “big picture” assessment and stewardship of their assets can find new life in a deeper relationship with both their assets and their community.
In our latest blog, the Rev. Lisa G. Fischbeck discusses the somewhat dismissive practice of “a quick prayer” and proposes an alternative.
Church leaders often see a need for a change, but the congregational system doesn't always allow the change to take place. The best changes happen because we’re watching to discover what God is up to, and partnering in the wo…
In our latest blog, the Rev. Sandy Webb discusses church security. He says, “Our churches need to be intentional about what we do to keep people safe and equally intentional about what we do to help people feel safe.”
Ken Mosesian writes about the lengthy search for a new rector in his parish and explains how “God’s delays are not God’s denials”.
Where does your parish trust its money? Bruce Adams, President & CEO of the Credit Union League of Connecticut, discusses credit unions vs. banks and the newly created New York Episcopal Federal Credit Union in our latest blo…
The Rev. Anahi Galante talks about how she came out to church in our latest blog, available in both English and Spanish.
In our latest blog, the Rev. Lisa G. Fischbeck discusses the idea of churches stepping up to address social issues previously handled by government or non-profit organizations, specifically housing.
In our latest blog, the Rev. Sandy Webb talks about creativity and transition in the Episcopal Church.
In his latest blog post, Donald Romanik talks about collaborative leadership and how it "is essential to our vitality and our very future as local Episcopal faith communities".
In our latest blog, Greg Syler sets the stage for talking about stewardship with an examination of post-Covid Episcopal parishes. “First step before launching this year’s stewardship campaign should be a serious examination o…
The Rev. Catherine Thompson talks about her church’s partnership with Khesed Wellness and their mental health services for the uninsured and underinsured.
This month we offer five resources on visioning.
The Rev. Ken Howard of FaithX discusses his latest collaboration with Try Tank called Episcopal Pulse, a project to keep a finger on the pulse of The Episcopal Church through weekly, rapid-response micro-surveys.
In our latest blog, Hearts Broken Open, the Rev. Michael Carney addresses the killings in Uvalde, Texas. He writes, “Jesus knew from personal experience that our hearts would take a beating…His parting words were that ‘you wi…
The Rev. Lisa G. Fischbeck explores the historical practice of ablutions and how they changed during the pandemic and how they might evolve going forward.
In our latest blog, Linda Buskirk details an exciting opportunity for congregations in Indiana sponsored by the Thriving Congregations Initiative of the Lilly Endowment.
The Rev. Canon Annette Buchanan discusses the Commission of Black Ministry and the importance of collaboration in our latest blog.
In our latest blog, the Rev. Sandy Webb discusses replacing a worn but much-loved historical dossal curtain.