Jacob Sierra

Jacob Sierra is ECF’s Program Director for Adaptive Ministries. He coordinates the Episcopal Pulse survey with the support of an advisory committee made up of his ECF and FaithX colleagues. If you’d like to contact the team with questions or suggestions for the Episcopal Pulse, please email episcopalpulse@ecf.org.

Jacob hails from Chicago, where he worked as a Research Consultant at a market research consultancy startup for several years. In September 2022, Jacob moved to New York City to dedicate a year to living in community and supporting the outreach work at Church of the Heavenly Rest in Manhattan through the Episcopal Service Corps. His work focused on key areas: prison reentry, food insecurity, education access, mental health, housing, and emergency response. He also organized formation for a small parish in the South Bronx; creating and leading liturgy for bilingual prayer services and a children's formation program to facilitate church growth and community engagement.